Sunday, 2 September 2007

Happy Birthday MKY 31st August 2007, the morning after... - 1st September 2007

Prata-toulle and aerated pulled-tea @ Casuarina Road way too early in the morning.

Notice how fast she cut the cake? Didn't give us any time to embarrass her.


  1. Nice, pics look better than on the camera's LCD.

  2. Nice pictures too ,but where is Centaur ,Moon ,and GZ ?Do they present too ,Liang ?

  3. ah... not around on that day... wait what happened? was busy being punctured by the accupucturist...

  4. We had prata and cake. A little too early, next time 10.30pm would be better. ;-)

  5. Simon, I was not present.. because I have classes for the next three months on every Saturday mornings to early afternoon...

  6. "The morning after" sounds so....ahem, you know what lah!

  7. Well, Moon, would certainly have no problems, she has a licence to practise... but you?....hmmm, I wonder, practising without a licence?

  8. Did I phrase it wrongly? Perhaps I should have said, "Breakfast the morning after...."

  9. Cake looks yum yum, tea looks very good but where's the prata?

  10. Debbie.... prata never stays out in the open long enough to be visible when Ur is around.

  11. Lolz....guess he simply just toss those things down the hatch..

  12. Oh boy, yeah. I think I demolished a quarter of the cake and left the rest to the Vacuum Cleaners aka my new colleagues. Hehe.

  13. Yes, Mon Cher, I know...but hey, I set the record, didn't I? Not even for your baobei do you wake up so early on a Saturday morning...a true test of friendship.


  14. Yes, Mon Cher, I know...but hey, I set the record, didn't I? Not even for your baobei do you wake up so early on a Saturday morning...a true test of friendship.


  15. Catch me if you can...lalalalala...betcha you're not as quick-fingered with your camera as I am with my knife/fork... :P

  16. Sorry I couldn't join. But looks like you guys really enjoy the makan session...

  17. No-one informed me about this gathering? Anyway, too busy preparing for my wedding and doing my work. Should have PM me in CHF, and I can turn up.

  18. It's a personal gathering, not a CHF gathering because my new boss and ex-colleague were present.

  19. Hmmm, I'm going to have to save a lot of points up on my credit card and surprise you next year. The cake looks tempting.

  20. Happy belated birthday, fellow Virgo! :D

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