Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Party - Moon Appreciation Evening (22nd September 2007)

PRIVATE PARTY to celebrate the mid-autumn festival


  1. The red bean and tangyuan dessert was really good.

  2. yes we can tell how much you liked it from the photo. lol :P

  3. Thank to AB, and Baobei... for keeping it for us. :-)

  4. Arrggh...salivating just at the thought of the food and yup, the tangyuan-red bean dessert is really really yum yum....

  5. Oh yeah, should have taken a vid of AB doing taiji in his chang pao...so cool

  6. he did have a picture some where in.... well, I thought you saw the picture before. Never mind, nothing beats the real thing.

  7. Niang ze rolled her eyes at me when she saw me do taiji in the changpao. :P

    Wait till I get her a Qipao then I'll have something to roll my eyes at her too. :P

  8. You should get her a Qipao...you guys will look so cute together..;p

  9. OH MY GOD, Centaur is on Fire! Someone save her!!! (While the crowd looks on mesmerised by the bright lights)

  10. Qipao more difficult. Unlike a guy, a woman's body is curvaceously more complicated and will need to be tailored to fit...... but yeah.... maybe if we go to HK next year. I don't trust SG tailors to do a good job with Qipaos.

  11. I've got one more photo where you can see the maniac glee in her face whilst playing with fire.... too bad she'll stomp me if I post it.

  12. Hey, where's the shot of the birthday girl with her birthday cake?

  13. Oh my, she does looks as if she's on fire....Yeah, have to agree that she does enjoy playing with fire abit too much...hmm....arsonist in the making? ;-)

  14. Nice shot, lanterns look good.

  15. Here!

    Poor girl. Her birthday and still must put her cup out for donations. Sigh... what a cruel world! Why oh why..... doesn't anyone want to employ Frenchmaids anymore?

  16. Simply gorgeous! Love the matching candle. As for the cup... I thought she was merely demonstrating the incredible power and conrol of the thighs of a yoga-trained Frenchmaid? Its on her resume.

  17. oh I see... my bad, my bad.

    Whoa.... awesome yoga control! Woo-hoo!

  18. Ah, the lovely Jos. Happy Birthday again! ^_^

  19. Oh come on, lads, you are just admiring her well-toned thighs. Admit it! :P

  20. talking behind her back again? u will hear her roar later when she peeps in..

  21. ok ok we'll stop talking behind her back then. I've uploaded more photos of other people to talk behind their backs. kekeke :P

  22. haha! i was looking out for this picture.. moose meeting zhou-gong..

  23. It looks like you all had a terrific time. Maybe next year I'll join you!

  24. Ya....even those maids from what 'Nations' agencies are better off than me....

  25. Thanks princess....you see, they gave me a mooncake for my birthday....not even a proper cake....sob sob....

  26. Awww...**hugs**...there! Feel better now? ;-)

  27. But you see, that makes it so special! No one else has ever received a Birthday (moon)cake!

  28. Crapsicles! Missed another one. Nothing happened here in Dubai, not even at the 龙城. And no mooncakes either.

  29. When you called that afternoon, I did tell you to drop by didn't I?

  30. I was not meeting zhou gong, I was having a rendevous with his daughter,hehe.

  31. Who's the one who took me with the cup inside the picture?? I thought my legs were not supposed to be the picture??? Look so aweful.....

  32. 龙城 (aka Chinamex aka Dragon Mart) is a 1km-long Mainland Chinese import market in southern Dubai.

  33. No wonder.... I thought I saw you drooling......


  34. How can that be? Zhou gong's daughter came by to the party but you missed her because you were asleep. Maybe the one you were having a rendezvous with was his maid. I heard she likes you.

  35. Poor Zhou gu niang, she must be wondering who was her sleeping suitor.

  36. No lah. Zhou gu niang was in the room chatting with Niang ze at the party and had no idea Moose had gone to dreamland to find her. It was the Zhou household maid that Moose found. I'm quite sure of it. She's been eyeing him for awhile now.

  37. Zhou gu niang's maid must be so beautiful that Gibson thought she is the one!

  38. aiyah, so sad.... wonder if Zhou gu niang would be so kind and visit the poor Moose again? maybe, just maybe, the Zhou household maid could help with it? or is she keeping him for herself?

  39. aiyah, didn't you know?

    The Zhou household maid was recommended to Zhou gong by Jos from the "Jos Frenchmaid Employment Agency" so the Zhou household maid is a Frenchmaid.

    Frenchmaids are sooooo sexy, Moose will never get away from her clutches now.

  40. eee.... make sure don't look for Frenchmaids anymore...

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